Dreams are the images, thoughts and feelings experienced while asleep, particularly strongly associated with rapid eye movement sleep. The contents and purpose of dreams are poorly understood.
General observation shows that dreams are strongly associated with rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, during which an electroencephalogram shows brain activity to be most like wakefulness. Participant-remembered dreams during non-REM sleep are normally more mundane in comparison.
During a typical lifespan, a human spends a total of about six years dreaming (which is about 2 hours each night). It is unknown where in the brain dreams originate, if there is a single origin for dreams or if multiple portions of the brain are involved, or what the purpose of dreaming is for the body or mind.
The most common emotion experienced in dreams is anxiety. Negative emotions are more common than positive feelings
*info taken from wikipedia =)
i still dont know why i dream of such things
but they did say it is unknown
last night, or rather this morning
i woke up afraid
i dreamt that gail brought a group of us on an excursion to learn more about fyp
the excursion was at the beach (the kind where you could fish)
definitely not in singapore because there were monsters in the sea!
while the rest were wondering around the area
i think it was gail, and i stayed to look at 1 person fishing
the person fishing is together with the group (most prob the tourguide)
he was standing on a shorter piece of rectangular rock with his fishing rod
i dontr know if he caught a fish or something
but he needed help and gail helped him
by standing on a taller piece of rock in front of his
her rock was nearer to the sea
i cant remember what happened inbetween
but the next thing i know
muddy sand was squirting out of their limbs
almost as if they were blood
it was a scary sight like im watching saw3 or smth
in the end
both of them died
of course it doesnt end here
i promised them that i will tell the rest of the group what happened
so that they could take caution or something
i tried to gather them together many times
at eating places or at the office
apparently, one of them was the boss?
the office layout is rather cool
its circular!
anyway when i finally succeeded to gather them in a meeting room
they couldnt pay attention
it was as if something was purposely pulling their attention away
i got angry and stormed out
then i remembered my promise and turned back to tell them
by then they dispersed and i could only tell them 1 by 1
i told about 2 - 3 people and then i woke up
i wouldnt want to know how this dream ends
i dont know if you understood what this dream is about
or how scary it is
but its definitely not reality