movie: narnia
participants: caleb jia josh jam tine wehjee mat and myself
we ate dinner at coffee club
with divine pasta
and camwhored a bit
and had some jokes and fun
and i snapped a few portriats
with cover face jam
and wehjee trying to learn cover face jams style
but gave up and pouted =P
so everyone says
narnia2 beat narnia1s ass
but i havent watched narnia1
so .. *shrugs
i was thinking
it sucks to not have watched the first movie
(whether the story links or not)
because majority would have watched it
and they will be comparing
and you just wouldnt know
and another thing is
others who have watched it would faster grasp the story
what if im in the same situation
but the first movie rawked and the second didnt
i think i'll just feel disappointed.
so anyway
narnia2 did a fantastic job
*pats them on the back
i was thoroughly engrossed from start to finish
the movie enthralled me
and made me want to watch the first movie
even though it isnt as well done
some parts of the movie made my heart hurt with sympathy
and some with tears
a truly moving yet simple story
massive computer gaming!
participants: mat zhiwei zixuan milton and myself
the day started early
and the weather was bloody good
at night..
we had to shift mat's computer down to the living room
cause the aircon in his room spoilt
pretty cool formation right!
i think its better than the one we had yesterday night
mat and milton's comp were on the table
zhiwei and my comp were on the bed
lying down and playing definitely isnt as comfortable
back to that day..
ah bee noodles
or so given the name by ferli during year 1
it still looks like shit
but its bloody tasting good
im getting hungry again. =(