my counter just reached a thousand
within 24 days.
thats a record for me. lols
anyways. thanks for the support. haha
and i'll keep the pictures interesting =P
(i KNOW its the pictures that you guys keep coming back for =)
the graduation ceremony
if i had only one word to describe it
the word would be smiles
the ceremony was just a formal ceremony
the day wouldnt have been special if there wasnt any his and byes
and teasing and reminiscing and pictures.
at every and any of the other things we did
with our family, our lectures, friends and even enemies.
somehow thats all that matters.
i was lucky cause moses offered me
an stylo shot on stage
i seriously dont know how it'll turn out
and i have no freaking memory of me even looking at the camera
it all went by so fast
they announced my name
i walked over
said my hello
shoke his hand
he passed me my booklet
he said 'lets take a stylo shot'
we posed
and i walked away
i hardly had any time to react.
lets just pray the pictures turned out fine. haha
this is a official closing of this chapter of our lifes.
i loved the valedictorian speech
and changboon's video+song
i got no idea how he got the pictures but it rawks my socks
i loved the chopchop timing
but hated the pronounciation of names
i just loved practically almost everything about it
it was a good night =)
and it ended well
i'll remember it for a long time.
cant even if i wanted to =P
i thank GOD. for helping me through this crazy long journey.
i thank my dad. for sponsering me whenever whatever. trying to understand even though he doesnt.
i thank my mum. for just being there.
i thank my sisters. for EVERYTHING. i mean it. i wouldnt have been the same without them.
i thank moses
i thank vani
i thank ronald
i thank gail whose not here but still big hearts and love
i thank julian
i thank alan
i thank amanda
i thank siewcheng whom i didnt get to see today =(
i thank guna
i thank the equipment stall uncle
i thank the canteen cooks =Drools
i thank my coursemates.
i thank all you ushers too!
plus donson who passed my sister the tickets =P
there's just so many and i cant seem to name them all
first and only batch =)
will post pictures when i get them from tommy =P
for now, this will do